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Learn more about our farm raised beef

Know where your food comes from

Our cattle are bred, born, and raised here on the farm, we know each individual animal from day one and enjoy taking care of them and watching them grow. Keeping our cows healthy and happy is our top priority.


Cattle are ready to harvest at about 18 months old when they are a mature size, with a good ratio of skeletal structure, muscle, and fat. "Finishing" includes the final amount of weight gained before they are ready to market. Our cattle are fed and finished with 24/7 access to lush pasture and - or quality grass hay and forage that we grow and harvest especially for our herd. We also add alfalfa into their finishing diet as a free choice forage that adds additional plant protein and nutrition.

Beef from grass fed and finished cattle is leaner than beef from grain finished cattle. Corn and soy add proportionately more fat and marbling, which isn't a bad thing for most, it just comes down to preference. We prefer grass fed beef because it is lean while nutrient dense. When eating red meat regularly we feel that's it's a healthier option for our family. While there's little difference in omega-6 fatty acids or cholesterol, grass fed beef is much higher in healthier Omega 3 fats and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). 

Grass feed beef may have a more robust beef flavor than some are used to, but Springherd Farms beef is generally mild in flavor. The way we mange their nutrition and general care helps keep our herd not only happy and content, but also results in a quality beef product. 

Tips for making your beef dishes the star of the show

First, plan ahead. It takes a little extra time, but thawing your beef in the refrigerator and not defrosting in the microwave is an important first step. ​Thawing beef cuts in the refrigerator will result in even thawing and is also recommended for food safety.   ​​       


Roasts, briskets and steaks are best with a dry rub that coat the outside of the meat with flavorful spices and seal in moisture. ​Cook low and slow to allow the fat to be distributed and for the meat to tenderize and absorb all of the delicious flavor. After slow roasting, try reverse searing in a hot oiled pan to lock in the juices and always let the meat rest before serving. ​​


Because grass fed beef is lean our ground beef cooks up quickly, the fat rendered in the pan is not too much to leave behind for added flavor without being greasy.  You may find that you remove a little of the fat, but no longer have to drain your ground beef on layers of paper towels. ​


Stew meat is actually one of our favorites. You can't go wrong with traditional stewed beef and vegetables, or slice stew meat into thinner pieces and use in stir fry or stroganoff for a quick and easy meal. ​

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